The Brand Skool


The ‘Executive Brand Workshop’ is about understanding the strategic role of brand, and how it can improve the performance of your business.

Strong brands enhance business performance primarily through their influence on three key stakeholders group: (current and prospective) customers, employees, and investors. They influence customer choice and create loyalty; attract, retain and motivate talent; and lower the cost of financing.

ur aim for the executive workshop is to present the first unified theory of branding, a set of five disciplines to help companies bridge the gap between brand strategy and brand execution. Those with a grasp of branding will be inspired by what they find in this brand workshop, and those who would like to understand it better will suddenly “get it”. Our brand workshop includes thought-provoking presentations and rainstorming exercises that get the participants really thinking. They are
intensive, collaborative, explorative and fun.

The ‘Executive Brand’ workshop will cover >>